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rica rica guguk or sate jamu extreme culinary food from solo Indonesia

This food is made from “DOG MEAT”
You can found this food around Solo city. I think there are no place in java island which selling cuisine from dog meat very fair very open like in solo.
In solo you can found this cuisine in many little restaurants around Solo Street which put banner “SATE JAMU” or right now some of them put banner “RICA RICA GUGUK”.

Some people say this food can made enhance sexual strength. If you don’t have any prohibition with any food you can taste this.

So Beware we eat a dog grrrh…guk…guk…he..he..

If you look in the photo its looks like not tasty but if you try it you’ll never forget it.

Note: this food is only for the brave and has no prohibition.

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Tips and trick buying batik dress in solo Indonesia especially in Pasar klewer or klewer market

Batik is one of trade mark from Solo or Surakarta city Indonesia. In here you can buy batik in many places. The most famous place is pasar klewer or klewer market.

In “pasar klewer” not only batik you can find here but many items of textile product. From low quality until high quality you can meet here. I’ll share little information about shopping in “pasar klewer”.
In “pasar klewer” every prices which seller offer you can offered the price again. Its mean that every price which seller offers in “klewer market” is not fixed price. Example if you found batik dress price $5, offer it 50% from the price. If they don’t give it raises up your offer step by step each step $0, 5 until 30% from first price. If still no deals leave like not interesting again with the item, go walking around for several minute then go back again to the seller. In my experience it’s always a deal before you go to find in another placed.

I hope this information is useful. So if you visit solo and buy in Pasar Klewer offer the price before buying.

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