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My son and Javanese languages (putraku lan boso jowo)

(Javanese languages version)

Pinten dinten kepengker kula kepanggih rencang-rencang sekolah.Gandeng
sampun dangu mboten kepanggih lajeng dipun lajenghaken wonten
"wedangan".Wonten ing wedangan lajeng cariyos kabaripun piyambak
-piyambak.Sareng cariyos mlebet wonten ing babagan putro,lajeng kulo
cariyos menawi putro kula,kula ajari ngagem boso jowo.Babagan menawi
putro kula ngagem boso jowo punika dipun geguyu dening rencang-rencang
kula sedaya,kula radi kaget punopo ingkang dipun geguyu dening
rencang-rencang punika.Kasunyatan rencang-rencang punika sinaoso wong
jowo ingkang manggen wonten jowo mboten wonten ingkang ngagem boso
jowo dateng putranipun.

Kedadean punika ndamel kula hanggatekaken lan hangemataken sinten
kemawon tiyang sepuh ingkang kagungan putro umuripun dereng 5 taun
wonten ing kampung kula.Mboten wonten ingkang ngagem boso jowo dateng
putro utawi putrinipun.

Babagan punika ingkang ndamel kula nyerat wonten ing blog punika.
Kula kagungan kaprihatosan menawi tiyang jowo piyambak ingkang manggen
wonten ing jowo mboten ngagem boso jowo lajeng sinten ingkang badhe
nguri-uri budoyo jowo punika.

Menawi boso jowo kemawon sampun mboten dipun ginakaken punopo malih
budoyo jowo sanesipin kadosto tembang macapat,gamelan,tarian jowo lan


Mova Nugraha

(english version)

Several days ago I meet few my friends from my old school.Because we
long time don't see each other we continue the meeting in
"wedangan".In there everybody tell each other about the news.Then when
entrance the story about our child,I tell them that i just using
javanese languages to my son,suddenly every body laugh.I just don't
understand why every body laugh.Evidently because every body don't use
javanese languages to them child.

Because of that event made me bending on my neighborhood about parents who has child under 5 years old.No one using Javanese languages.

Because of that event made me write this blog.
I feel joyless If javanese people who live in java no longer use
javanese languages then who use to be uphold this java heritage.
If javanese languages not again use what about other java heritage
like mocopat song,gamelan,java dance,etc

Thank you

Mova Nugraha

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